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As we gear up to our events to mark the 4th Global Day of Action on Fast Fashion here at the University of York Law School, we have been holding meetings with law schools in countries like Turkey, Pakistan, the Gambia, India and the USA. It is incredible how much enthusiasm there is for working informally across borders and learning about different region's experience of an issue like Fast Fashion.

The sheer size of some of the companies involved in producing fast fashion, the incredible turn-over of products, the marketing, the ability to control wages and impact labour conditions, the huge waste - all of this can feel overwhelming. This is why we started GDA. So that law students around the world who wanted to get active, even in a small way, to fight back against climate destruction, could see that they were part of something much bigger. That's why we want as many law school clinics as possible to take part. So spread the word. If you are a law school student who would like to join in on November 17 to raise awareness in your law school about fast fashion and the role the law plays in facilitating or challenging it, contact

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