Leicester Law School has three different teams taking action for this year's GDA.
Firstly, the Legal Advice Clinic have enlisted student fundraisers to organise an event to take place on the 18th November which raises money for Syston (a local town) flood victims. This achieves justice because the money will help towards solving the issue of the regular flooding and help to rehouse the victims (or at least get them back into their own homes).

Brookside in Syston (Image: Maxwell Nugent)
Secondly, Legally Green are researching the law surrounding the (il)legality of magnet fishing and how this can help towards solving the issue of fly tipping in water. On the 18th November, they will be sending a press release to local places that may benefit, such as councils and small magazines. This achieves justice because it will help raise awareness about reporting fly tipping, preventative measures and how members of the public can help to resolve the issue and clear waterways.
Finally, Street Law will be researching the benefits of water metres and the benefits they can have, particularly in single occupancy households. On the 18th November, they will be sending a press release, in multiple languages, to local places that may benefit. This will achieve justice because it will raise awareness and understanding about how to save money and be more mindful about water consumption. The press release will also be able to help all members of the community. Leicester is very multicultural and therefore it is vital to ensure all members of our community can have access to this information.